Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Writing Journey

Photo by Dolldalera on
I am excited about the writing journey I am on. What does writing mean to me? It means sharing. That is why I have chosen the name, "Sharilee Shares" for this blog. I want to share of my heart and mind. I want to teach, through the written word, some of the things that I have learned in life.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved books and loved words. I love the way books and the written word can reach out beyond the page, and touch another human being. Now, in the twenty-first century, much of our reading has been transferred to the computer. The truth still applies, though. Writing still reaches out to another human being. Reading still brings us together.

For over seven years, I taught reading and writing as a teacher in the classroom. I loved doing that. Now, I feel writing is a form of teaching, too.

For more about the writing journey, you might also want to read the article I wrote called, "Hope is Required for Writing."  I talk about the courage that a person needs to keep writing, in spite of fear and doubt.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. Writing is about sharing. You have definitely been given the gift to write. Praise the Lord. Keep on sharing Sharilee!


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